27 March 2017
Ad in the journal Nature about UOC R&I
In the November 25th 2016 issue of the journal Nature –one of the science magazines with the highest impact index– included a few pages within its NatureJobs section about the Catalan research system entitled Spotlight on Catalonia. The Open University of Catalonia (UOC) asked us to work on the contents and design of a half-page ad featuring the research conducted at the University, especially regarding health.
You can see the result in the heading of this post, an ad in which the recently released UOC’s new corporate image –and derivatives, such as UOC R&I– was already implemented. The objective was to showcase the variety of research carried out at the university, highlighting a consolidated research centre such as the IN3, another one in development such as the eHealth Center, the spin-off Open Evidence and the Doctoral School.