Author: 172c6499ee

As we already told you in this post, during the last months we have been working in the launching of OMIap COLORS, a platform that allows an easy and efficient healthcare management developed by STACKS, a medical software company. Besides the series of videos to present...

This year we had the pleasure to collaborate again with the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB), which keeps on doing successful and high level science. As we did last year, our project consisted on structuring, designing and developing a practical and clear website to...

Created by STACKS, a Spanish company of technological services for the Health sector, OMIap COLORS is an environment specifically thought and designed to respond to the management and assistance needs in Primary Care. The platform allows total integration of all the health information about each...

This summer we have been working on three popular science videos about some research carried out by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). These audio-visuals are the outcomes of a grant conceded by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) to spread and disseminate...

Last May, the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) presented its HUBBIK platform –which fosters research, innovation, transfer and entrepreneurship– in the Tarragona province. With support from the Diputació de Tarragona (the province government), the event focussed on the entrepreneurship services and counted with the participation...

As it has been during the last four years, with a new spring comes our duty for the organisation of a new edition of the SpinUOC, the knowledge transfer event of the Open University of Catalonia (UOC). And also during springtime it's time to warm...