Author: 172c6499ee

It is said that the life of an artist is tough and ungrateful. Glory often comes late. Sometimes it doesn't come at all. Never. Thousands of artists live and die anonymously. The Department of Art and Musicology from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona -in collaboration...

MigranetWork is an online site hosting research projects revolving around the impact of ICT among immigrants coordinated by the IN3 from Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Its main funcionality: a CMS that facilitates communication and collaborative work among researchers. Adela, Nihil, Laia: A pleasure working with...

At the beginning of 2012, and on this same channel, we promised Christine Appel, UOC researcher and responsible for the european project SpeakApps, that we would arrive alive to the end of the way. A year later, our expectations are more than fulfilled. Thanks to...

What if Steve Jobs had been a woman? This inspiring question is the central core of Open Thoughts, a blog supported by Ubikmedia. We invite experts to openly share their thinking about the question. Professor Juliet Webster and her research team, being part of UOC,...

It started as a few minutes project but finished as a longer audiovisual piece. ICMAB, "the movie" –as we call it here, in Ubik– is a corporate video showing the activity and talent of Instituto de Ciencias de los Materiales de Barcelona. We must highlight...   Our first job as UbiK: to organise the launching of a new Intranet, specially designed for the UOC researchers and to record the event. We want to thank the people responsible for this new tool. They are the Oficina de Suport a la Recerca i...