Building brand communication around clinical psychoneuroimmunology

Building brand communication around clinical psychoneuroimmunology

We recently had the opportunity to work side by side with the Dutch biochemist Dr. Leo Priumboom and his team on a project aimed at promoting clinical services and disseminating research results related to clinical psychoneuroimmunology. Clinical psychoneuroimmunology, a novel translational medical discipline in which Pruimboom is a leader in the field, studies how the interaction between different medical specialties, primarily neurology, endocrinology, immune response and metabolism, play a key role in the health of individuals and their wellbeing.

Our role in this project was to create a number of communication products built around a narrative that would appeal to both specialised researchers and health professionals, as well as the general public, without sacrificing the rigour of the discipline. 

One of the results of our work is the Intermittent Living website, which we put together with design agency Petit Comité. The Intermittent Living protocol, designed by Dr. Pruimboom, exploits the relationship between the intermittent shortage of some parameters and the restoring of biomarkers related to health. From our side, we created the information architecture of the site (both the sitemap and the wireframe). We also developed all the content for the individual pages, always keeping storytelling in mind to make the pages more attractive while making complex concepts more comprehensive.

We would like to warmly thank Dr. Leo Pruimboom and his team, as well as Petit Cómite, for trusting in us to help carry out this fascinating project. Together, we have created a compelling narrative around clinical psychoneuroimmunology, helping to bring this emerging field to a wider audience.