9 July 2015
Communicating BSCience: Presenting your results to an audience
As Mark Twain said, there are two types of speakers, those who get nervous and those who lie. We all experience some nervousness and insecurity when facing an audience. However, what Twain omitted is that the art of transmitting knowledge, presenting or public speaking in an effective way is something that can be learned and, especially, can be trained.
Last May –the 21 and 28 to be precise– we organised a workshop for Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS) researchers in order to give them tools and improve their skills when presenting their results to an audience. Under the title Communicating BSCience: Presenting your results to an audience, we gave them different tips for designing effective presentations, transmitting messages adapted to specific audiences, and seduce the public with conviction and security.
In the hands-on part of the workshop, every attendee had to make a very brief and direct presentation applying what they had learnt and trying to explain the research results to different target audiences. The outcomes were awesome, and for us the global assessment for the workshop was clearly more than positive. Congrats to you all guys!