Dissemination of results for the ESTEREO project

Dissemination of results for the ESTEREO project

Are gender stereotypes influencing school career choices? According to the GenTIC research group of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), gender roles and stereotypes still present in our society influence the self-perception that girls’ and boys’ have of their competences, and they condition their academic and occupational choices. This is what emerges from ESTEREO, a project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness that studies academic sexism and vocational segregation.

In order to disseminate the results of this research, GenTIC summarised the main conclusions of the study in several illustrative infographics and asked for our help to disseminate them in social media.

Specifically, we were responsible for identifying and contacting influencers in social media related to the project’s target audience (academic community, teenagers, parents), and to get them to disseminate the infographics. The response from the influencers was very positive and the message achieved a big impact. We are highly satisfied with this new collaboration with GenTIC, for whom we also managed the blog Open Thoughts 2012 and designed a social media strategy in 2015.