Infographics for the OPENeHEALTH Parkinson finalists and presentation of the winner prototype

Infographics for the OPENeHEALTH Parkinson finalists and presentation of the winner prototype

By the end of 2017, the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) requested us to convert into infographics the four OPENeHEALTH Parkinson finalist projects. As part of the entrepreneurship platform Hubbik, this open innovation programme fosters the development of apps to improve the quality of life of people with Parkinson.

Activities related to music, such as singing, dancing and listening to it, improve motor, cognitive and emotional abilities of Parkinson patients. In this sense, OPENeHEALTH Parkinson has allowed the collaboration among physicians, patients, caregivers and music therapists through a participative process that has both identified possible areas of improvement and developed innovative ideas as solutions. From this process, more than 30 ideas have come out, four of which have been selected as finalists and have been prototyped as an app based on music as a therapeutic agent. The programme is promoted by the UOC, the Research Institute of the Hospital de Sant Pau and the technological solutions company GMV.

Our task consisted in making an infographic for every finalist that represented the idea, the app prototype and the benefits it could bring to the users, basically patients and physicians. Moreover, we also have provided the authors in charge of the winner project with the training needed to elaborate and execute an elevator pitch able to act as an efficient selling tool. The winner prototype was presented in a public event at the Hospital de Sant Pau, where its infographic, as well as those from the remaining finalists, was displayed.