15 December 2016
Landing pages and presentations for the RRI Tools project
As we already told you, since mid-2015 we have been working together with the coordination team of the European project RRI Tools in the development of several communication products related to the project. RRI is the acronym for Responsible Research and Innovation, an EU strategy towards a more open research and innovation system capable of responding to the societal challenges and needs in the 21st century.
The objectives of the project, which is already in its final stages, have been to disseminate the concept, to gather and offer tools and strategies to implement RRI, and to create a community of practice around it. “La Caixa” Foundation, which coordinates this macro project of 26 partners and nearly 100 hubs, asked us to conceptualise and design 11 landing pages and 12 presentations, in addition to the videos we told you about in the previous post.
In collaboration with Latent, our task has been to provide structure, content and design –aligned with the graphic image of the project– to the 11 specific landings for each key player involved in the R&I system (policy makers, researchers, educators, business & industry, and civil society organisations), as well as for each key area to implement RRI (ethics, gender equality, governance, open access, public engagement and science education). In addition, the different contents have been adapted into a presentation format, thus adding a new channel for RRI dissemination, either for those who want to get started or as a communication resource for consortium members.
Finally, we would like to thank all the coordination team for the willingness, accessibility and sense of humour that has prevailed throughout these 18 months of joint work, often intense, but always productive and rewarding.