5 December 2016
Leaflet for the PhD-PI3K project lead by IDIBELL
Months ago we were telling you about the implementation of a website for the PhD-PI3K project, a Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Innovative Training Network coordinated by the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL).
Indeed, the website is an important communication product, but not the only one. Last month we finished the projects leaflet, which has two versions: a traditional one to be printed and another one for digital use, with all the information on one side only. Made together with Niugràfic, in both cases our aim was to show the main characteristics of the project and the objectives it pursues, as well as the partners involved.
At the same time, and as an associated partner, we also accompanied the team in the preparation of the Dissemination and Outreach Plan, which has to be applied and adapted during the four years the project will last. As you can see, our tasks within the project are not over yet, so we will keep talking about PhD-PI3K in the future.