10 February 2017
More videos for the RRI Tools project
We have already introduced you to the RRI Tools project, coordinated by “La Caixa” Foundation, but this time we want to talk about one of its main objectives: the creation and implementation of the RRI Toolkit.
What is it? Well, it consists in several tools and resources to get insight about Responsible Research and Innovation concepts and practices that the project is offering to everyone. Besides, the goal is also that this toolbox gets bigger with time and gets fed by the contributions, comments and discussions of new supporters, creating a community of practice around RRI.
That said, the project coordinators asked us to work on a video to briefly explain what the Toolkit is and what it has to offer, and the result is what you see in the header of this post. The video was made together with Marta Felipe, a 2D animation specialist.
On the other hand, but also related to the goal of building a community of practice, in summer 2016 Barcelona held an RRI training meeting, with attendants coming from all over Europe. The assignment this time was to make a video of the event –you can watch it here–, to record the plenary talks and to conduct short interviews with some of the experts. Both the talks and the interviews are available in this playlist within the project’s YouTube channel. In this case, the videos were made in collaboration with CheeseBurguer.