OMIap COLORS launching event

OMIap COLORS launching event

As we already told you in this post, during the last months we have been working in the launching of OMIap COLORS, a platform that allows an easy and efficient healthcare management developed by STACKS, a medical software company.

Besides the series of videos to present the different platform functionalities, we have also been in charge of designing the presentation event, which took place on 23 September in the STACKS headquarters in Barcelona.

The event consisted in a thorough overview of the multiple functionalities of OMIap COLORS along with the interruptions of a doctor called Matas, a very peculiar specialist who gave his particular vision on the platform. Actually, this supposed doctor was Joaquín Matas, a magician that gave the amusing touch to the event.

If you want to have a look at how it all went just take a look at the short video heading this post.