OMIap COLORS videos

OMIap COLORS videos

Created by STACKS, a Spanish company of technological services for the Health sector, OMIap COLORS is an environment specifically thought and designed to respond to the management and assistance needs in Primary Care. The platform allows total integration of all the health information about each patient in a single online space, with independence from the professional or care circle that is generating it, thus providing a centralized and personalized clinical story.

The system is an improvement of a previous version, which has been equipped with new features with the aim of incrementing data personalization and integration, as well as combining new healthcare models and proactive management, allowing healthcare crisis anticipation.

Know more about the advantages of OMIap COLORS both through the presentation video we made and the accompanying videos devoted to show its different functionalities. But stay tuned, because the platform will be soon presented in an event we are already working on. More details to come.