Organisation of SpinUOC 2020


Organisation of SpinUOC 2020

2020 has been a year full of challenges, at all levels, and the organization of the SpinUOC was not going to be less. The pandemic forced us to carry out all the organization and training of the speakers who would go on stage at the Old Estrella Damm Factory from home. In addition, we had to delay the date, moving it from the traditional second week of June to the first of October and breaking our backs to achieve that. Even if we did not have a physical audience, the event, live-streamed to thousands of people, did not lose its characteristic warmth.

To do this, we had to make an extra effort when thinking about how we were going to produce the promotional videos and how we were going to approach the setting, the realization and the physical interaction between the presenters and speakers. We of course took into account the necessary social distancing measures and the possibility of surprises at the last minute, with people in quarantine, as it ended up happening.

Thanks to the professionalism of the Damm and UOC technical team, and of the two presenters who never fail us, Òscar Dalmau and Agnès Busquets, we managed to ensure that, despite all the factors against it, the event was a success both in terms of quality as well as the number of viewers who followed us on Youtube Live.