During the autumn of 2023, the Daniel & Nina Carasso Foundation approached us with a new challenge: to conceptualize and launch a community of researchers to help the transition towards a sustainable food system. It was the next step after its Daniel Carasso Fellowship program,...

In January 2023, the ‘la Caixa’ Foundation once again placed its trust in us. After over five years of collaboration, they once again selected us to define their communication strategy and create digital content for the Research and Health area (CaixaResearch) and the Fellowship program...

After three years of collaboration, Fundación Occident presented us with a unique challenge in the autumn of 2023: to assist them in creating their new scholarship program, the Jesús Serra Undergraduate Scholarships. We eagerly accepted this challenge, which involved everything from conceptualizing the program and...

Barcelona City Council celebrated 15 years of scientific policies with the publication of the book Barcelona Ciència. We were thrilled to take part as editors alongside Petit Comitè, the company commissioned to design and coordinate the book's publication. The Barcelona Ciència programme, which has been...