Social Media strategy for the Gender & ICT group

Social Media strategy for the Gender & ICT group

At the end of 2014, researchers from the Gender & ICT Research Programme within the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) contacted us with the need of making a wider dissemination of their studies and investigations, which analyse the role of women regarding the advancements in new information and communication technologies (ICT).

With this in mind, from UbiK we devised and delivered a social media strategy to set the bases and work lines that will for sure allow the group to efficiently communicate their research to their target.

Actually, the Gender & ICT group was an old friend for UbiK: in 2012 they were behind the first Open Thoughts blog, an initiative of the Research and Transfer Office Support (OSRT) to disseminate some of the research carried out at the university. The blog, which asked What if Steve Jobs had been a woman?, had an extraordinary reception and being its editors was an enriching experience.

This new collaboration with the group’s researchers has also been a pleasure. We are sure that with their persistence and professionalism they will achieve all their intended objectives.